Friday, January 9, 2009

5 Days til Take Offffffff!

my dearest friends and family,

I know I have different relationships with all of you and that many conversations will take place outside of this blog, but I thought this would be good for general stuff that can be easily shared with everybody :)

SO! for a general overview of what's happening! I'm in the Level 1B program which is the lowest program possible haha yes! There is Level 1B, 1C, 1D, Level 2 and Level 3. Altogether there are about 80 of us. I'm flying out of New York the 14th with a group flight and arrive in Madrid on the 15th followed by a 3 day orientation that will consist of getting cell phones, books, euros, info about our classes/home stays/ the city!

I move in with my host family on Sat. the 17th (or Sun. the 18th, i dont remember) which is exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. The only information I have about the family is I am living with a woman named Rocio Gomez, her husband, her two children (13 & 5), and their two bunnies! haha I don't know any names or the sex of the kids but it will be fun having little brothers/sisters and bunny rabbitsss!! haha.

I start classes on Monday the 19th at the Instituto Internacional. I'm only taking 3 classes and they are all based around Language - a Gramatica class, a Practica class, and a Spanish Civilization class. I am luckylucky because although I only have 3 classes I still get 16 credits AND 3 day weekends. woo woooooo! In my level there are only 2 other ppl so I have a pretty amazing opportunity to have a one-on-one relationship with my professor and therefore hopefully become really proficient in the language (can't skip any class though... jajaja just kiddding I would never.... :)

I'll put my home address below in case you feel ilke sending me some lovin (coughcoughhinthint) hahah just kiddddinggg! it's actually not recommended that any packages or mail get sent out because of it getting "lost", but if you feel like good karma is on your side, go for it. I'll let you all know my international cell phone number when I get it.

Until then, so much love xoxo

Calle de Iquitos, 5
28027, Madrid, Spain


morgan said...

ahhhhh soo exciting! you're going to have so much fun and i am super jealous of your 3 classes and 3 day weekends (in espagne no less!). let me know when the avalanche of spanish hotties come your way (i guess that would be a heat wave? lol)

Barrett said...

This is so awesome, I'm so happy for you.


Mama said...

OLE! OLE!! OLE !!!

Unknown said...


(Can you hear me on the picket line making my demand?)

Spain better share you with us!